Once again, Valencialab is hosting the Ideas+Innovadoras competition with the objective of promoting a culture of innovation, strengthening the development of new projects, and raising awareness of new opportunities for innovation in the current environment. This competition is organised by Florida UniversitàriaCEEI Valencia, Confederación Empresarial Valenciana (CEV), AJEV and Banco Sabadell Foundation, with the objective of creating a bank of ideas and strengthening the creation between recent university graduates or students in their final year at university, or persons who are unemployed but with a university background, or professionals.
The principal objective of this competition is to support the development of the idea, to convert it into an opportunity, analyse its feasibility and develop the project. For these reasons, prizes are given to finalists, which consist of scholarships for the Master’s Degree in Innovation and Development of Business Projects at Florida Universitaria.