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Once again, Barcelona will play host to the International Art Book Fair Arts Libris

Artist’s books, photo books, contemporary bibliophilia… the ArtsLibris fair offers this and much more from 20th to 24th April in Arts Santa Mònica – Centre de la Creativitat. This edition consolidates the internationalisation of editorial networks associated with contemporary arts and culture. One of the aims of the Fair is to build bridges with Latin America. For this reason, the team behind the Nodos Editoriales project, which includes works by 18 independent Mexican editors, has been specifically invited to take part, as well as the teams of two other exhibitions. The main collaborator of Arts Libris 2016 is the Banco Sabadell Foundation.

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Arts Libris Prize – Banco Sabadell Foundation

The selected books and editions will be included in the Banco Sabadell Foundation Artist’s Books and Editions Collection. The exhibition includes works from the fair, some of which have been awarded the Arts Libris Prize – Banco Sabadell Foundation. There are works from a variety of artists, such as Jaume Plensa, Perejaume, José Pedro Croft, Joan Fontcuberta, Eulàllia Valldosera, Hannah Collins, Lawrence Weiner, and young creative minds like Cristina de Middel, who have contributed a significant proportion of their work to these publications and photo books. The prize will be awarded on Friday 22 April.

Key activities

III International Symposium on re-publishing and collectionism. Attendees will be placed at three round tables, coordinated and overseen by Antonio Zúñiga and Moritz Küng, and first-class professionals from the sector will take part (editors, booksellers, collectors, artists and commissioners). The purpose of this event is to debate on current issues and on the future of artist’s books and re-publishing.

Wednesday 20 April, 18:30 – Re-publishing books with Arnaud Desjardin (GB), editor; Damián Ortega (MX), artist and editor; Galaad Prigent (FR), editor.

Thursday 21 April, 12:30 – Reactivating the Collection with Antonio Alcaraz (ES), director of the artist’s book collection in the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia; Bernhard Cella (AT), artist; Pierre Leguillon (FR), collector.

Friday 22 April, 18:00 – Chat with editors Herder Publishers (DE) and Novaro Editorial (MX).


Turner Publishers (ES)

Speaker Corner is the meeting place between artists and editors. It is a dynamic space in which to debate and exchange opinions.

Saturday 23 April, 13:00 – Speaker Corner with artists Dora García (ES) and Francesc Ruiz (ES); and at 14:00 with editors Rogelio López-Cuenca (ES) and Antonio Zúñiga (ES).

Sunday 24 April, 13:00 – Speaker Corner with Celine Duval (FR), artist and Antonio Zúñiga (ES), editor; and at 14:00 with Pedro G. Romero (ES), artist and Juan José Lahuerta (ES), editor.

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Speaker’s Corner