-This weekend Torroella de Montgrí is hosting the V edition of Fringe Festival, with 18 free concerts, in which 60 young musicians will be showcasing their talents, selected from the best music conservatories and schools in Europe. You can consult the full schedule of events by clicking here.
– ADDA Alicante with the summer festival ‘Ritmo’ [Rhythm] playing the best of jazz, flamenco and classical music.
-The Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM) is hosting two new highly recommendable exhibitions, ‘Annette Messager. Púdico – Público’, an exhibition which brings together Messager’s works in which she uses daily objects which have traditionally been considered to be of little value, twisting their uses and the feelings associated with them; and .‘A contratiempo. Medio siglo de artistas valencianas’, is the recently inaugurated exhibition by Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM) which recreates the journey which female Valencian artists underwent to gain visibility and recognition of their profession, dating from the end of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and the Second Republic, continuing through Francoism, until the eighties.
-The Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias is hosting ‘Trazos de la palabra: viñetas de Revista de Occidente’, an exhibition which brings together original drawings and works by famous artists to illustrate some of its front covers
-FotoColectania Foundation hosts the new exhibition ‘Saul Letier: In search of Beauty’, which brings together more than 130 photographs, in colour and black and white, which showcase all of Leiter’s talents, including his most iconic photographs. Leiter has photographed the streets of New York city from an intimate perspective for six decades. You can visit until 21 October.
-The Joan Miró Foundation hosts a new show at Espai 13, as part of the cycle “The Possibility of an Island” , ‘Soy vertical’ by Lisa Gideonsson and Gustaf Londré, two Swiss visual artists who have been working together as an artistic duo since 2009, regularly investigating topics relating to temporality, the body and natural environment, exploring the relationships which are established amongst all of these items through performance, video, installation and text. You can visit until 11 September
-‘La luz negra’ (black light) an exhibition which takes a look at the influence of different secret traditions on contemporary art from the 50’s up until now. You can visit it at the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB) until 21st October.