The Schubertíada de Vilabertran begins this weekend, with concerts on Friday 18th at 9.30 pm with a Beethoven string quartet performed by Quartet Casals, Saturday at 6.00 pm with music by Schumann, Schubert and Brahms performed by Isabel Villanueva and François Dumont and with the Quartet Casals playing again on Sunday.
In Alicante, tomorrow (Saturday), pianist Joaquín Achúcarro will be performing together with Ygor Yebra in ‘Symphonic Proms’ at the ‘Geografía’ festival held by the Auditorio de la Diputación de Alicante (ADDA).
And in Barcelona, the ‘Weegee by Weegee’ exhibition at the Foto Colectania Foundation will remain open throughout August to show the work of the New York chronicler from the 1930s and 1940s. Espai 13 at the Joan Miró Foundation is hosting the ‘Fruit Belt’ exhibition by artist Martin Llavaneras.