#Celera, a scheme that identifies and provides tools to extract the full value of talent
As of this year, we will be joining forces with Celera, the scheme created to identify talented young people in Spain and provide them with the tools that they need to take full advantage of their potential. We are working together to offer 11 young people an opportunity to come together and become ‘Celerados’, receiving specially designed training through chats, workshops, courses and other activities that focus on emotional intelligence, communication, productivity, problem-solving, creativity and managing people.
The eleven youths selected will form part of a talent group that is consolidated year after year, which already has 41 young people from different disciplines who are committed to improving society and have been called to mark a turning point in the various areas and fields in which they are involved.
Their profiles are varied, and include research, entrepreneurship and engineering. There is a total of seven women and four men. Find out more about each of them by clicking here.
#LiderazgoWomenCEO, a programme for final year university students to foster their professional careers
For the second consecutive year, WomenCEO is launching the programme ‘Mujeres para el liderazgo empresarial’ (‘Women for business leaders’), which we are supporting in this year’s edition in order to provide specific training that has been designed to help final year university students to foster their professional careers. 25 students have taken part in this edition’s 6 thematic modules taught by professionals from different sectors during 8 sessions. One of the students will also receive a grant from the Foundation to take part in Imagine Silicon Valley 2018.