We open the deadline for receiving proposals for collaborations
From the Banco Sabadell Foundation, we inform you that from October 2nd, we have opened the deadline for all those interested entities that meet the requirements and that fit our areas of action, can send us more details and information so that we can evaluate your application by filling out the form below.
IMPORTANT: the period of receipt of collaborative proposals for 2021 is open from 02/2020 to 15/2020.
Click the link: http://fundacionbancosabadell.local/convocatorias/#colaboraciones
Music festivals: cultural events and the best young talent for this summer
Culture and arts
“Music is something very special because everyone understands it differently”, Guillem Gràcia, scholarship holder at the Reina Sofía School of Music
Culture and arts
The Banco Sabadell Foundation recognises the work of two young researchers in the fields of fertility and sustainable agriculture