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Recommendation: article by Carlos López Otín defending the role of scientific research

The unbearable weight of the lightness of science‘ an article by Carlos López Otín published in the magazine “Claves de Razón Práctica” in which he defends the role of scientific research and highlights the importance of education and culture as the basis of a better future. López Otín notes that it is difficult to understand those people who do not consider Science or its tools as a way of culture, capable of enriching human thought in multiple dimensions.

“Talent is the natural resource which is best distributed throughout the planet, which even today still greets us with warm generosity, even in the Anthropocene, it is beginning to show some signs of certain fatigue after its collision with human meteorites”

Dr López Otín is the professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Oviedo. He has previously worked at the Centro Ramón y Cajal in Madrid, and at the Lund, New York and Harvard universities. He combines his educational work with the development of research on cancer, ageing and functional analysis of genomes. Furthermore, he is the Chair of the panel of judges of the Banco Sabadell Foundation for Biomedical Research.