The 10 finalist entities of B-Value, the social innovation programme which we have implemented, together with Ship2b, will present their projects on Demo Day, which will be held on 18 October in Madrid and 29 October in Barcelona. You can RSVP by clicking here (limited capacity).
Demo Day gives visitors the chance to get to know the work that has been carried out during the last few months and show the evolution of the 10 finalist entities. Lastly, all of the entities interested in participating in the next edition of the B-Value programme can find out more about the new call which will be launched at the end of this year.
The finalist entities are:
AIRES, “offering innovative solutions and with an impact on the problem of homelessness”.
Fundación Agustín Serrate, “improving the quality of life and socio-occupational integration of persons with mental health problems”.
Fundación A La Par, “we work for the rights and participation of persons
with intellectual disabilities in our society.”
Fundación Cadete, “supporting disabled children and their families”.
Fundación Juan XXIII Roncalli, “generating quality employment for persons with intellectual disability in innovative sectors”.
Fundació Nen Déu, “solidarity initiative in child and adolescent psychology”.
Fundación Plant-for-the-Planet España, “identifying and empowering talented young persons who were protagonists of climate revolution in Spain”.
Itwillbe, “empowering women in India”.
Música en Vena, “proving that music cures”.
Rafiki África, “improving the quality of the lives of people who live in villages in Ikoba
and Katwe, in Uganda”.