Banco Sabadell Foundation and Vall d’Hebron Institut de Rercerca (VHIR) have signed an agreement to award scholarships to four students in the III Edition of the Master’s Degree in Translational Biomedical Research at VHIR.
Miquel Molins, Chairman of Banco Sabadell Foundation, and Dr. Joan Comella from VHIR, signed, on Thursday 14th July, the collaborative agreement between the Foundation and VHIR, and then have then visited some of the laboratories to be used by the students who are awarded the scholarships.
“At the Foundation we are delighted to collaborate with this Master’s Degree in Translational Biomedical Research at VHIR, and to be able to support the training of young researchers in the field of biomedicine”, says Miquel Molins.
Dr. Comella has explained that “Thanks to the collaboration of Banco Sabadell Foundation, VHIR can train some of the best students who have an excellent academic record so that they may continue their research careers at our institution.”
More information about the scholarships
More than 80 students have already completed the VHIR Master’s Degree (37 in the first edition, and 48 in the second edition). The majority of the students, 65 in total, carried out, or are currently carrying out internships at the Institute, and currently, 12 of the students from the first edition are working as researchers in some of the almost 60 research groups at VHIR.
The Master’s degree, affiliated with the Autonomous University of Barcelona, is oriented towards research, creating access to the PhD program and offers the students the possibility of choosing the area of biomedicine they wish to specialise in and carry out and their training. The most distinguishing characteristic of this Master’s degree is that it is fully taught at a third level Institute for Health Research, for basic, clinical and medical researchers who are in constant contact with the hospital’s patients.