The awards ceremony took place on Wednesday at the headquarters of Sabadell Herrero in Oviedo. The ceremony was assisted by Francisco Blanco- Regional Director of Employment, Tourism and Industry of the Principality of Asturias, as well as representatives of the economic sector and institutional representatives.
During her speech Dr. Iriberri highlighted that the prize is a “stimulus to continue working” because “research is a lifestyle and requires the collaboration of institutions”. Also in her speech she referred to different aspects of her research such as how people react in strategic situations and gender differences, “women and men react differently to competition and decision making”.
During the event, Josep Oliu, Chairman of Banco Sabadell, praised her work and said “her line of research is very important, as it helps us to understand the social behaviour of consumers”. He also highlighted that “work such as that of Dr. Nagore helps to analyse and understand why monetary policy does not work”.
After receiving the prize, we chatted to Nagore to find out more about her research. Below, you can see the interview…