‘La música cura’, Música en Vena (Ignacio García Castelló, co-founder, communciation and marketing)
What has your B-Value experience meant to you? B Value has taught us to work on a high impact measurement model, to focus on the projects which can generate self-sustainability for us and to direct the functions of the team towards growing the organisation.
What would you highlight at B-Value? The quality, professionalism and high standards required in the programme. Giving us, and third sector entities, the opportunity to work with the best tools, and professionals to increase our impact and develop our project, it’s something which is unique and very innovative. Above all, the speed at which we have learnt and applied everything that has been offered to us. It has a very big impact. It’s given us a totally different vision of our entity.
How would you evaluate entities such as Banco Sabadell Foundation who implement these types of programmes? It’s a huge advantage for the Banco Sabadell brand. For third sector entities, such as us, working together with professionals from Banco Sabadell, and being able to count on their support, significantly accelerates the development of our projects.
A LA PAR Foundation (Jaime Peidró, Director of Institutional Relations at A LA PAR Foundation)
What has your B-Value experience meant to you? It has been a very enriching experience in all senses, professional and human. For us, it has meant being almost able to carry out a first rate Master’s Degree, we weren’t aware of the scope and extent of the knowledge and expertise and we have learnt a lot in the process. We’ve also been able to engage in some very interesting networking, which has allowed us to evaluate new businesses and tangible opportunities for the Foundation. Lastly, we have reviewed our project to make it viable, profitable and sustainable, thanks to the work and support from the last few months.
What would you highlight at B-Value? The professionalism of the B-Value team throughout the Programme. The coordination for the webinars, meetings with different mentors depending on the project of each one, and ensuring that the meetings were based on generating value. Flexible at certain times in order to support the different projects. The methodology will also help the presentations to make more sense. Practising pitches so that they had a greater impact, and help us to become better professionals in terms of presenting a real project to potential investors.
‘Som infància’, Fundació Nen Déu (Xènia Moliner, Director of the ‘Som infància’ project)
What has your B-Value experience meant to you? It has meant making huge progress. As the name itself suggests, B-Value, it’s helped us to generate value, stimulate the team’s self-esteem and offer us rigour in the development of the project.
What would you highlight at B-Value? I would highlight the value of focusing on the professional development of social projects. Believe, strengthen, accelerate, take a leap. It is a pleasure to discover that what up until now has been a wall, can be transformed into a step.
How would you rate entities such as Banco Sabadell Foundation who support talent and creativity? It is an innovative approach, efficient and which aims for excellence in any of the areas of intervention, whatever you do in your life, do it well!
‘Gudwud’, Agustín Serrate Foundation (Álex Pigent, Strategic Division of Gudwud)
What has your B-Value experience meant to you? For us, the B-Value experience has represented a reinvention process for our entity. The absolute dependence we have on third sector entities in public administration implies the need to develop innovation projects. Reinvent yourself or die. B-Value has been exactly this “scaffolding” which we have used to support ourselves, it has accompanied us and given us a big push. It has been a great starting point, to launch and believe in ourselves. At B-Value we have moved from a good idea, a project, which after 10 months is now tangible, based on numbers, and not just on dreams.
What would you highlight at B-Value? I would highlight the human value of all of the mentors and consultants who have accompanied us. And above all, the possibility of establishing relationships with other entities in the sector, which are not close to the area of action. When they asked us how we would define B-Value, we said it in one word: networks. There is no evolution without collaboration. There is no change without networks.
How would you evaluate entities such as Banco Sabadell Foundation who implement these types of programmes? I believe it is fundamentally important and necessary. Social transformation does not only happen to entities in the third sector. It happens for everybody. For companies, administrations and ourselves. I think that we should all find these “meeting points” which allow us to make progress. To collaborate I believe there are two fundamental points: confidence and ability to hand-over. If we want to make progress in the magical stage of “building a better world” we are not going to achieve this as individuals. So yes, the boost that comes from these programmes, is fundamental. For social institutions, so they can get achieve a more business minded focus for their organisation, as well as for large corporates, so they can achieve a more social minded focus, deeper than searching for maximisation of revenues at any cost.