Visual artists in PhotoEspaña with ‘Proyecciones en la noche’ (Night-time screenings)
Last Saturday, June 16th, the Royal Botanical Gardens opened their doors at night-time to hold a brand new edition of ‘Proyecciones en la noche’ (Night-time screenings) with PhotoEspaña, the international photography and visual arts festival.
Light and sound were provided by visual artists such as Lamia Naji, Kenneth Bamberg and Elliot Erwitt Havana Club 7 Fellowship.
13 evening concerts with the ‘Serenates’ festival
The La Nau Cultural Centre at the Universitat de València will be holding the ‘Serenates’ festival between June 24th and July 8th, with a total of 13 concerts dedicated to music composed and played by Valencian musicians.
The festival will begin on Sunday June 24th with the play Novecento, the legend of the pianist who played on the ocean. Based on the book of the same name, written by A. Baricco, the play will be put on by the company Komos, with stage direction by Miguel Navarro and music composed by José Manuel Campos, played by the Coro Eutherpe and pianist Ismael Zazo.
The IVAM displays half a century’s work by female artists
The exhibition ‘Against the tide. Half a century of Valencian female artists’, held by the Valencia Institute of Modern Art (IVAM), displays work by Valencian female artists from between 1929 and 1980, to pay tribute to these ‘daring and courageous’ women who fought against ‘moral and artistic conservatism’. The works of art on display recreate the long and treacherous road that these women had to follow in order to achieve visibility and professionalisation in difficult social conditions, starting in the period of Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship and the Second Republic, continuing with the era of the Franco regime, and ending with the Transition.
The exhibition has a total of 240 works by female artists on display, which include painting, photography, sculptures and architecture, and in which a total of forty artists have taken part, such as Carmen Calvo, Manuela Ballester, Eva Mus, Ángela García and Ana Torralva, among others.