‘DOCfield Barcelona’ invites you to think about love
The 6th edition of DOCfield, the Documentary Photography Festival in Barcelona, will take place until December 9th, bringing you 23 exhibitions intended to evoke thoughts about love, in addition to other activities including guided tours, audiovisual screenings, meetings with artists, the DOCfield PRO event for those who work in communications and in the third sector, as well as the 5th edition of the Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for the best photobook mock-ups.
You can see the full programme here.
‘Philosophy and theatre productions’, bringing theatre and critical thinking together
From 8th to 10th November, the theatre of the Catalonia Library (Bibioteca de Catalunya) will be hosting the second edition of the ‘Philosohy and theatre productions’ festival, which offers conferences, chats, philosophical round tables and theatre productions intended to research and reflect on the link between theatre and critical thinking.