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The second edition of DONE kicks off, the program for reflection and visual creation

Fundación Foto Colectania [Foto Colectania Foundation], with the support of Banco Sabadell Foundation, is hosting the second edition of DONE, a project based on thought and creation which aims to bring the new ecosystem of image closer, after the implementation of digital technology and the internet.

New to this edition, is that it is presented as a laboratory, for thought, investigation and visual creation which is developed on the basis of five fundamental areas that will be developed over the course of five months: thought, visibility, body, information and aesthetics.


Supplementary activities

Between November 2016 and March 2016 each idea will be supplemented through an additional three activities:

THINK which is composed of a series of free conferences hosted by researchers and national and international essayists. Each conference will be screened via live streaming through the same page, where questions and opinions may also be submitted through a real time chat service, organised by DONE.

ACT, experimental laboratories run by specialist visual artists. These experimental collective creation processes are positioned halfway between the workshop format and the collaborative exercise or action. Each Lab will use the ideas expressed in the conference held each month as a theoretical starting point to put into practice.

GRAB, an initiative for audio-visual creation in which five authors who are just starting out will create new audio-visual works. Each video will use the five areas mentioned above as a starting point, which the conferences and the laboratories will also be based on. The works will be made available on the same page once they have been completed.