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Alicante hosts the ‘A Quemarropa’ residences, connecting art and culture with the city

For another consecutive year, the Cigarreras de Alicante are hosting the A Quemarropa residences which offer ten creators the opportunity to display their work in this cultural centre, where a programme of visits by professionals from the world of art and culture, workshops, tutorials, talks and presentations will all be held… The purpose of these residences is to showcase and propose new models of creation, strategies and to create their own work proposals.

In this edition, the programme particularly emphasises connections between art and culture with the city, its habitants and residents though workshop and visits to specific areas of the city.

Profile of the participating artists

The period to register ends on 4th June Emerging artists, independently of their age or nationality can participate. Diversity in artistic disciplines will be positively valued, such as, for example, plastic arts, visual arts, photography, performance, public art, design, music, dance, sound art…