One of the main recommendations for this weekend is to visit the recently inaugurated exhibition Art<35 BS 2017 at Sala Parés in Barcelona in which ten young artists, all aged under 35, display their works after winning the competition hosted by Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona, with the collaboration of Banco Sabadell Foundation.
This is the last weekend in which to visit ‘Fruit Belt’ by the artist Martin Llavaneras at Espai 13Fundación Joan Miró.
Take note of some of the other cultural recommendations for this weekend:
-‘Weegee by Weegee’ at Fundación Foto Colectania which exhibits the work of the New York chronicler in the 30’s and 40’s.
-‘La eclosión de la abstracción’ at Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM) which brings together almost 150 works from the Collection, with the objective of analysing the abstract artistic practices developed from the post-war era up until today.
‘Da árbore á cadeira’ exhibition at the Museo Centro Gaiás, Cidade da Cultura in Galicia. It is divided into four themes: design, industry, natural heritage and art relating to furniture design and the industrialisation process of the timber industry.
-‘Guardianes de piedra’ will be stopping in Villajoyosa, thanks to MARQ. Guardianes de piedra is an exhibition which pays homage to the more than 230 castles and fortresses in the province of Alicante.