This weekend, we have various cultural events to recommend. For example, this weekend, Sunday 4th is the last performance of ‘Revolta de bruixes’ (Witches’ revolt), performed by the girls from ‘La Kompanyia Lliure’ at the Teatre Lliure in Montjuïc.
We also recommend visiting exhibitions such as one taking place in Valencia, at the IVAM, ’Perdidos en la ciudad’ (Lost in the city), in which you can see nearly 300 works of art by various artists which all have one thing in common: a different view of cities throughout the world… In Barcelona, 4 exhibitions are taking place: World Press Photo, organised by the Photographic Social Vision Foundation, supported by the Banco Sabadell Foundation; ‘Yo quería ser fotógrapho’ (I wanted to be a photographer), in Foto Colectania; ‘Ramón Llull. La máquina de pensar’ (Ramón Llull. The thinking machine), at the Barcelona Centre of Contemporary Culture; and in Espai 13 of the Joan Miró Foundation, you can visit the exhibition ‘Cualquier objeto es un espacio temporal’ (Every object is a temporal space) by artist Nicolás Lamas, as part of the cycle ‘Un pie fuera. Expediciones y diásporas’ (One foot out: Expeditions and Diasporas).