– XII Banco Sabadell Foundation Biomedical Research Award: this award seeks to incentivise and acknowledge the work of Spanish researchers under the age of 42 in the field of biomedicine and health sciences. The deadline for submitting applications is 30 April 2017. Check out the terms and conditions here.
– XVI Banco Sabadell Foundation Economic Research Award: this award acknowledges the work of Spanish researchers under the age of 40 in the fields of economic, business and social knowledge, to contribute towards the analysis and creation of alternatives to promote social well-being. The deadline for submitting applications is 30 April 2017. Check out the terms and conditions here.
-The work experience programme Jóvenes con Futuro USA promoted by Stepone with the collaboration of the Foundation is aimed at recent engineering graduates, and gives them a chance to complete a 6-month placement in some of the top tech companies in the United States. The deadline for submitting applications is 30 April 2017. Check out the requirements here.
–I LAB<20 Award, promoted by LABoral Centro de Arte together with the Foundation, is aimed at young people from Asturias or resident in Asturias in order to promote and strengthen the new digital generation, awarding audio-visual and audio projects, proposals for creative programming, robotics, design, digital manufacturing, websites and virtual communities in social networks. The deadline for submitting applications is 26 May 2017. Check out the terms and conditions here.
–Banco Sabadell Foundation Grants for External Rotation for MIR (Spanish Resident Medical Interns), promoted by the Colegio Oficial de Médicos Islas Baleares, (the official medical school of the Balearic Islands), provide an opportunity to doctors currently completing their residency in hospitals in the Balearic Islands to train for at least one month in national and foreign hospital centres during the last year of their residency or once they have completed their residency. The deadline for submitting applications is 12 May 2017. Check out the terms and conditions here.
– New edition of the painting and photography competition ART<35 2017, called by the Arts Faculty of the Autonomous University, together with the Foundation, which aims to select 10 artists under the age of 35 to exhibit their work in the Sala Parés and the Trama Art Gallery in Barcelona in September. The period for submitting works ends on 5th May 2017. Check out the terms and conditions here.