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4 grants for the External Rotation of MIR in hospitals in Spain and abroad

Once again, this year the Foundation is collaborating with the Colegio de Médicos de las Islas Baleares (the official medical school of the Balearic Islands) to give out grants for External Rotation of MIR (Spanish Resident Medical Interns). The purpose of these grants is to provide training to doctors who are completing their residency in hospitals in the Balearic Islands, offering them the chance to spend at least one month in hospital centres in Spain and abroad during the last year of their residency or once they have completed their residency.

In this edition, a total of four grants have been awarded: to Dr Marta García Recio, a 3rd year resident at the Heamatology and Hameotheraphy Service of the Son Espases University Hospital, to spend two months at the Lymphoma Service of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, USA during her 4th year of residency; to Dr Carmen Muñoz López, a 5th year resident at the Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Serviceof the Son Espases University Hospital, to spend two months at the Traumatology and Hand Surgery Unit of St. Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, and one month at the hands and peripheral nerve Surgery Unit of the Royal North, Sydney, Australia; to Dr Montserrat Massot, a 5th year resident at the Cariology Service of the Son Espases University Hospital, to spend two months at the Cardiological Intensive Care Unit and the Coronary Unit of the University Hospital of Bellvitge, Barcelona, and to Dr Beatriz Miriam Rodríguez Chikri, a 4th year resident at the Radiodiagnosis Service of the Son Espases University Hospital, to spend two months at the Pediatric Radiology Service of the Vall d’Hebrón Hospital in Barcelona.