For the eighth consecutive year, World Press Photo will be stopping over in Madrid. You can visit the most important photojournalism contest in the world at LA SEDE del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid COAM. This year’s exhibition brings together 143 photographs which have been selected from amongst the 80,404 photographs submitted to this contest, sent by 5,034 photographers from 125 countries.
The winning photograph of this year is Assassination in Turkey (Un asesinato en Turquía) It is a snapshot of the events which occurred on 19 December 2016, when Mevlut Mert Altıntaş, a 22 year old off duty policeman, assassinated the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, during the inauguration of an art exhibition in Ankara.
Santi Palacios, a photographer from Madrid, has won the second prize in the category of General News with his photograph “Abandoned” (Abandonados) which show the extremely emotional moment in which two Nigerian brothers cry whilst they hug each other on board a zodiac of the NGO Proactiva Open Arms.
Jaime Rojo, also a Spanish photographer, has won the third prize in the category of Nature, with his work on the migration of monarch butterflies from the United States and Canada to Mexico. Photographer Francis Pérez, from the Canary Islandas, has won first prize in this same category with an underwater photograph which shows a marine turtle trapped inside a net.