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10 young artists participate in the “A Quemarropa” residences in Alicante

Until July 23rd, 10 young contemporary creators will share their experiences in the fourth edition of the A Quemarropa residences at the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Las Cigarreras de Alicante. (Centre of Contemporary Culture, Las Cigarreras, Alicante). These artists without borders are coming together with the aim of turning these residences into a multidisciplinary experience through different areas of contemporary art, with experiences ranging from experimental music, installation, performance, new technologies, graffiti, dance or illustration. These residences are an opportunity to generate ideas, build connections, facilitate exchanges, engage in meetings and dialogues between art and culture.

The participants will receive individual tutorials, talks, workshops and conferences hosted by professionals such as Pedro Fon Alba de SCAN, which is a platform for the diffusion of contemporary Spanish and Latin American art which is run from London; Javier Duero, critic, independent curator and cultural producer; Johanna Caplliure, curator, art critic, philosopher and independent researcher; Xandro Vallés from Aggtelek, a team of artists which works with creative processes focused on artistic research.


Activities open to the public

Many of the scheduled activities held in different cultural spaces in Alicante are open and free for the public. All of these activities can be consulted on the website, although we would highlight the following:

Tuesday 11 July, at 19h conference by Daniel Silvo (Atelier Solar) at CAMON

Wednesday 12 July, at 12:30h ‘Cita a ciegas; encuentro esporádicos entre ciudadanos y artistas’ at CAJA BLANCA; and at 18h the workshop ‘La imaginación: ejercicios para desarrollar ese músculo invisible’ hosted by Juan Luis Mira (author, director and playwright).

Saturday 15 July , at 19h ‘Shoot em up’ artistic intervention at Las Cigarreras Centro Cultural

Thursday 20 July at 20h conference ‘Arte contemporáneo Español en el ámbito anglosajón – SCAN’ with Pedro Font Alba at Sede Universitaria, Ciudad de Alicante.

Friday 21 July, at 19h Noche en Blanco ‘Residents go home’ inauguration of the closing exhibition of the A Quemarropa Residences 17 at Caja Blanca; and at 20h Jam Session by Andrés García Sánchez at Vogue Kiki Ball.