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Zoomba, Cruzar para Mejorar and HagarApp, the three winning projects from the grand finale of ‘Reto Futuro’, a social entrepreneurship programme aimed at vulnerable young people.

9 July was the grand finale of Reto Futuro, the social entrepreneurship programme that we are supporting together with Imagine Creativity Center, the Exit Foundation and Celera, which targets young people at risk of social exclusion. 25 teams took part in the programme, with over 75 young people, 25 coaches, 11 enablers, 11 educators and a jury that made the final decision.

After an intensive month of work which followed the 4 stages of the Lombard Method, the 25 teams presented their projects in virtual pitches before a jury located at Barcelona’s Impact Hub. The young people taking part in the programme sought to address a particular challenge (pollution, digital literacy, mobility, leisure, culture, etc.) in order to build a new future. In the words of Xavier Verdaguer, CEO at the Imagine Creativity Center, “the best way to predict the future is to create it”.

The three winning teams were three youths from the Madrid Down Association, with their project Zoomba; the team behind ‘Cruzar Para Mejorar’ of the Transpirenaica and, lastly, the Next Station team, with the HagarApp of the Resilis Foundation. Miquel Molins, Chairman of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, shared the following closing remarks: “You have all shown thatw where there is a will, there is a way. This country sees too much intelligence go to waste; I believe everyone should be given the opportunity for a bright future”.