‘The Good Virus’ and ‘SOROR’ are the winners of the Banco Sabadell Foundation Laus Aporta Award for 2018.
The Banco Sabadell Foundation Laus Aporta awards value projects which stand out due to their social, economic or cultural contributions. The winners of this edition are “The Good Virus” from the Contrapunto BBDO agency in the Professional category. Their digital marketing project, through the use of metaphors, highlights the importance of Specific Language Impairment and the difficulties in identifying this impairment.
In the Student category the winner was Natàlia Pàmies from EINA (Centro Universitario de Diseño y Arte de Barcelona), with ‘SOROR’, a final project using authentic texts and an impulsive editorial design.
XXX Premios Habitácola, for architecture and interior design
The Habitácola awards are aimed at architecture and interior design students. This year’s edition took place under the slogan ‘Lecturas de (I) bibliobús’, reflecting on spaces for reading and the encouragement of reading in public spaces . The four winning projects are:
-‘Matrioixka’, from l’Escola d’Art i Disseny de Terrassa.
-‘Punto’, from ESDAP Llotja
-‘Entre Línies’, from l’Escola d’Art i Disseny de València
-Award to the ‘BAU’, Centro Universitario de Diseño education centre