For another consecutive year, Fundación Photographic Social Vision brings World Press Photo to Barcelona. World Press Photo is the most important photojournalism exhibition in the world. In this year’s edition 80,408 images have been submitted, from which 143 photographs have been selected, which can be viewed until June 5th at CCCB.
Turkish photographer Burhan Ozbilici, from the news agency Associated Press, has signed this year’s winning photo, which captures the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Russia, and the lifeless body of the diplomat Andrei Karlov, lying on the floor. The image was published on the first page of The New York Times, and in the words of the jury “it reflects the explosion of hate which is present in society today, every time you look at it, it shakes you to your core”.
The migrant crisis continues to be represented in this year’s edition, as well as political conflicts, human mobility and the influence of technology in on information, data connection and traffic, as well as the impact of humans on the environment.
Four winning Spanish photographs
Francis Pérez has won first prize in the category “Nature”, with his photo “Caretta caretta atrapada” (Caretta Caretta Trapped) which shows a sea turtle trapped in a fishing net. Francis Pérez is an underwater photographer from the Canary Islands, who started to teach himself photography by taking photographs of the bottom of the sea in Tenerife.
© Francis Pérez Título: Caretta Caretta atrapadaIn the same category “Nature”, photographer Jaime Rojo has won third prize with “Monarcas en la nieve” (Monarchs In The Snow), an image which captures dozens of butterflies lying lifeless in Michoacan, Mexico, after being hit by a snowstorm. Jaime Rojo is a Spanish photographer who lives in Mexico City, who seeks to build links between the viewer and environmental protection, using photography as an instrument to narrate and express his passion for nature.
© Jaime Rojo Título: Monarcas en la nieveSanti Palacios has won second prize in the category “Current Topics”, with his photograph “Abandonados” (Left alone), capturing the image of an eleven year old Nigerian girl crying next to her 10 year old sister as they mourn the death of their mother, on board a NGO rescue boat in July 2016. Santi Palacios is a photojournalist from Madrid, he lives in Barcelona, and mainly works as a freelancer outside of Spain.
© Santi Palacios Título: AbandonadosCarla Tramullas, has won first prize in the category “Immersive Storytelling” as part of the Digital Storytelling Contest with “La introspección (The Dig)” about the fickleness of human relationships, which approaches topics such as transexuality, co-parenting and cyborgs, among others. Carla is a very creative person, with a refined style, and she is passionate about narrative which focuses on human relationships and emotions.