This week, the seminar “The Arts in Education”, promoted by the La Ciutat Invisible Foundation as part of the A Tempo – Arts and Training project, with the collaboration of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, is held in Seville to reflect around the educational transformation through the arts. It will be held from 28 to 30 January with an intense and varied programme that proposes disruptive models and solutions for the Spanish educational system.
The A Tempo – Arts and Training project, a successful formula in terms of innovation in other Spanish regions, offers training to teachers and artists on artistic methodologies applicable to the educational environment. Since 2017, A Tempo has been carrying out an annual seminar, together with the ConArte International Association, which brings together around one hundred teachers and educating artists that seek to gain knowledge or develop further in educational methodologies through the various art disciplines.
In Andalusia, the project seeks to create alliances with other local cultural agents and share experiences and chat around lessons learned, as well as to promote these arts and education projects that are being launched in Andalusia.
Miquel Molins, President of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, stressed that “The right to culture is also the right to education; the aim is to train critical people capable of facing the greatest challenges that lie ahead”.
The seminar is aimed at teachers, professors, artists and professionals specialised in culture and the arts so that they can learn more about the application of the arts in education. Over the three days, the goal is to make knowledge and the acquisition of educational skills related to the transformative power of culture more approachable. Places for this seminar are already sold out. All those who attend the seminar, and request it, will receive a certificate from UNIA, the International University of Andalusia, accrediting its completion.
In the press conference carried out this morning at the Espacio Santa Clara in Seville, collaborating entities were present, and the Seville City Council’s Director General for Culture, Isabel Ojeda; the Seminar’s Coordinator, Marcela Otárola, and Marta Montalbán, Manager of the La Ciutat Invisible Foundation, took to the stage to speak.
In the words of Isabel Ojeda: “The city is extremely happy to organise an event of this kind, focused on the transformative power of the arts, because we firmly believe in culture as a tool to foster critical thinking, and education is based on this. The role of the various art disciplines in education must be increasingly more cross-cutting and, as we will see in this seminar, there are already application instances that confirm the existence of various trends in educational innovation through artistic disciplines”.