What do culture, innovation and business have in common? How can synergies be created, and how can you work together to create new organisational models and effective collaboration methods for artistic creation? You can find the answers in the new PEA project (Artistic Expansion Project) led by Graner, Mercat de les Flors and Banco Sabadell Foundation.
The objective of this new project is to develop new ways to help companies establish a sustainable economic relationship with the environment in which they carry out their artistic activities. To do so, 5 artists have been selected who will work together with a group of experts with whom they will design specific actions to create prototypes. Their challenge will be to find new, efficient organisational models.
So far, the first meeting has already been held from the 26th to the 29th March, directed by Alfons Cornella, from Infonomia. These training days included the Verne methodology, a model which is defined based on creating a culture of innovation, innovating from the business model stage, developing prototypes and launching projects, it is always the organisation who carries out these activities, analysing its them to evaluate the economic sustainability. With this first meeting, PEA opens up the project to other creators and people with different backgrounds and profiles in order to enrich the training.