Between 24 April and 4 May applications can be submitted to ART<35 Fundación Banco Sabadell, the objective of the competition is to select artists to participate in this exhibition focused on creations by young people and give them an opportunity to exhibit their works.
The exhibition, which can be visited at Sala Parés in Barcelona from 4 September until 2 October shall be comprised of 5 works by each one of the 10 artists selected. The objective is to support young creators throughout the region to put them in touch with the professional world.
Students and ex-students of any nationality may participate in the competition, provided that that they exceeded 204 credits in a Bellas Artes facility in a Spanish university, always provided that they are not aged over 35. Students who have exceeded 204 credits in a facility other than Bellas Artes are currently studying at a facility of the Spanish Bellas Artes.
Artists will also be accepted who have not completed a university education, yet have been previously selected by a panel of judges, of who have participated in shows curated by institutions, or who are residents or have resided in production centres, all of which of renowned prestige. In this case, they must submit documentation which accredits this.