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Over 900 artists take part in the ‘Serenates’ festival

The Serenates festival celebrates its 30th year by holding 12 concerts at the Cloister of the Centre Cultural La Nave, at the University of Valencia from 24th June to 9th July. Over 900 artists will take part in this night-time summer music festival which aims to spread awareness of music by Valencian groups.

The ‘Serenates’ festival has been held since 1984 and is co-produced by the University of Valencia and the Instituto Valenciano de Cultura, with a view to offering a programme with music composed and played mainly by Valencian musicians.

Some of the concerts include:

– Monday 26th: Cor de la Generalitat Valenciana

– Tuesday 27th: Capella de Ministrers

– Wednesday 28th: Orfeón Universitario de Valencia

– Thursday 29th: Orquesta de Valencia

– Friday 30th: Amancio Prada