Until 17 December we are opening the call for participation in the second edition of the social innovation programme B-Value which we are hosting together with Fundación Ship2B. It is an initiative which is aimed at not-for not for profit institutions throughout Spain, with the objective of professionalising their work and improving their value proposal. B-Value offers training, mentoring on behalf of experts in different sectors and the opportunity to improve the training of the participants in social innovation, financing and the sustainability of the projects.
The B-Value programme is formed of two stages. In the first stage a committee formed of Ship2B members and experts from the Scientific Committee will make an initial selection of a maximum of 40 institutions. During the first few months of 2018 they will participate in workshops with professionals, they can train in social innovation and learn about the methodology and conceptualisation of projects.
In the second stage 10 organisers will be selected to receive training which is more personalised, and they can review their project with experts from different sectors (communication, business, financing) and possible collaborators. For this second edition B-Value has two new strategic partners. Aftershare, a creative strategic agency and PwC Foundation, the foundation for the international consulting firm. They both participate with training and mentoring in the different stages of the programme and offer pro-bona prizes in the format of a creative and communication campaign, on behalf of AFTERSHARE and strategic consulting, with the support of PwC Foundation.
All entities which are interested in participating in the B-Value programme can submit their application until 17 December. Consult the rules of the call by clicking here.