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La Kompanyia Lliure kicks off its second season

Teatre Lliure kicks off its second season with different proposals, one of which is the second season of La Kompanyia Lliure. This project was started in 2013, and training for 2016/2017 kicked off with Joan Amargós, Quim Àvila, Clàudia Benito, Raquel Ferri, Eduardo Lloveras, Andrea Ros, Joan Solé and Júlia Truyol. These young people, aged between 20-30, were selected in March 2016 by a panel of theatre professionals.

This Thursday, 14 September, eight members of La Kompanyia Lliure kick off their second season with ‘Nit de reis (o el que volguis)’ by William Shakespeare, version and direction by Pau Carrió. You can watch it at Teatre Lliure de Gràcia from 14 September to 8 October This performance is based on a haphazard evening which changes from comedy to the blues in terms of lost love and other excesses.

From 17 to 19 November, three actresses from la Kompanyia will perform ‘El cosidor‘ by Jean-Claude Grumberg directed by Lluís Pasqual, based in France between 1945 and 1952, where the women in a tailor’s shop talk as if they had lived through the second world war. Everything that they say, and everything that they keep to themselves, takes them to the same place: how to learn to live after the Holocaust.

From December 15-17, they will share a stage with ‘Les tres germanes’ by Anton Txékhov under the direction of Lluís Pasqual, set in rural Russia where the priviliged classes are on their way out. The daughters of general Prózorov are anxious in their debates to improve themselves and also due to the annihilation caused by boredom. Three daughters, three sisters.


© Felipe MenaFrom 16 February to 11 March, it is the turn of ‘El temps que estiguem junts’, a dramaturgy under the direction of Pablo Messiez. A spectacle of emotions, space and time shared.


© Felipe MenaLastly, from 7 to 30 June, the actors at la Kompanyia Lliure will repeat their performance of ‘In memoriam. The baby bottle conscription’’, text and direction by Lluís Pasqual.
