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The Foundation gives grants to 3 dreamers to take part in Imagine Silicon Valley 2017

A total of 12 Dreamers will take part in Imagine Silicon Valley 2017 from July 1st to 31st, a disruptive innovation programme in which they will work on projects with the help of mentors and experts and experts in San Francisco (United States), in addition to visiting some of the most emblematic companies in the world such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Stanford and Berkeley.

The Foundation is offering a chance for three young people to take part in this intensive innovation programme, and the three winners come from companies with which we collaborate: Sara Caravaca from the Balia Foundation, Alberto Álvarez from the Reina Sofia School of Music and Rocío Fernández from the University of Oviedo.

Sara Caravaca, dreamer from the Balia Foundation

At just 17, Sara Caravaca is a volunteer for the programme ‘Conecta Mayores-Conecta Joven’, organised by the Balia Foundation. In a few days she will be on her way to San Francisco, to pursue her aim to “learn to be an entrepreneur, to develop my ideas until they become a reality. The world we live in today is so technology-based, I want to know what the main ideas and targets are of the most important tech companies in the world.”

Video presentation by Sara Caravaca:

Alberto Álvarez, dreamer from the Reina Sofia School of Music

This young pianist has taken part in the first musical entrepreneurship and innovation programme which we are promoting together with the Reina Sofia School of Music and he has secured one of the three available places due to his talent and effort. This is a journey of opportunities for music, as Alberto assures us that “classical music needs entrepreneurs who can uncover new formulas in order to get closer to society. Initiatives like these are a way of investing in the future. I have been one of the very lucky ones on this occasion, and I am very thankful to everyone who has made this possible, and I can assure you that I will make the most of this opportunity.”

Video presentation by Alberto Álvarez: 

Rocío Fernández, dreamer from the University of Oviedo

Rocío Fernández has secured her place to go to Silicon Valley after being one of the winners of a university talent competition, CHAMPU, organised by the University of Oviedo. A student of History, she has shown a pro-active and collaborative attitude during the competition, and assures us that for her, taking part in Imagine “will be enriching. I think I will learn a lot and it will give me a chance to travel, which is something I love. The most important thing is what you do and how you do it, you need to give it your all.”
