Kilometres of experiences and dreams in the Transpirenaica Social Solidaria
800 kilometres during 42 days which have gone a long way. For this reason, the Banco Sabadell Foundation wanted to materialise some of these experiences in a video to show the importance of this initiative, which nurtures in the participants their desire to enhance their future.
The president of the Foundation, Miquel Molins, emphasises the “human values these youngsters show, their desire to fight for their dreams but above all their wish to learn from others”. An example, a life lesion that day after day, kilometres after kilometres they have shared and demonstrated.
A research work focused on the conservation of blue carbon receives the 3rd Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Marine Sustainability
Research and education
The B-Value social innovation programme recognises the leadership of four social entities in its eighth edition
Research and education
The Banco Sabadell Foundation reaches an agreement with the Council to promote a Cultural Centre in Sabadell
Culture and arts