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Introducing the 40 social entities taking part in the ninth edition of B-Value

The B-Value social transformation programme, promoted by the Banco Sabadell Foundation and the Ship2B Foundation, which aims to help NGOs to professionalise their value proposition and enhance their leadership, has just started its ninth edition. Each edition of the programme selects 40 entities to participate in phase one, consisting of training webinars, during which key knowledge areas are reinforced through sessions with experts and mentors, as well as in-person days with intensive and dynamic design thinking and leadership seminars.

The first mentoring sessions with Banco Sabadell professionals are held in this phase one. More specifically, 40 volunteers from the Bank will participate in this edition, bringing the total number of Bank professionals who have taken part as mentors in B-Value since the launch of the programme in 2017 to over 300.

This year, there was a record number of applications, and three projects that work on rebuilding the social fabric of the areas affected by the DANA flash floods have been selected. It should be mentioned that an extraordinary financial prize of 15,000 euros furnished by the Banco Sabadell Foundation will be given this year for this type of projects.

The entities selected to participate in this ninth edition are the following, according to their scope of activity:

– Cognitive impairment: Fundació privada ASPROS, Asociación APSA, Patronato Intermunicipal Francisco Esteve, Euexia Rural, Federación Autismo Castilla León

– Disabilities in general: Aspace Salamanca, Fundación Music for All / Asociación Hazlo Accesible

– Sensory impairment: ASPANSOR Zaragoza (Asociación de Padres de Niños Sordos de Zaragoza)

– DANA: Misión Integral Rocio del Espíritu Santo, Chefs Solidarios, Family Up

– Rural/Remote areas: Asociación Re-viviendo, Fundació Comunitària de la Vall de Camprodon (FCVC)

– Young people: ACTUASCCL, Fundación Raíces, Coordinadora Estatal de Plataformas Sociales Salesianas (CEPSS), eCivis

– Childhood: Fundació Orfeó Català – Palau de la Música – Palau Vincles, Fundació Privada Mona, KIDS Pharma, Fundación Márgenes y Vínculos, APAT Lorca

– The elderly: Triángulo de Maestras, Fundació Iluro

– Women: Fundación Developia, Fundació Servei Gironí de Pedagogia Social (SERGI)

– Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers: : Fundación Ciutadania Multicultural – Mescladís, Instituto IKIGAI – Asociación Española para el Emprendimiento y Desarrollo Personal y Profesional, Fundación Social Áurea, Asociación Catnova

– Low-income families/individuals: : Fundació Acollida i Esperança, Fundació Roure, Fundación Balia por la Infancia

– Unemployed persons: Agrupación de sociedades de trabajo asociado y economia social – ASATA

– Social entities/entrepreneurs: Fundació Hospital Sant Jaume i Santa Magdalena, Fundación Youth Business Spain (YBS)

– People suffering from chronic diseases: Aprofem, Federación Española de Diabetes (FEDE), Fundación para la Investigación del Síndrome de Dravet, Asociación GAEN

At the end of May, the 10 finalists moving onto phase two of the programme will be announced. This phase consists of mentoring and intensive training sessions, as well as a bootcamp week with in-person and bespoke workshops. Volunteers from Sabadell Seguros will also take part as mentors in this second phase. At the end of the programme, a final pitch is held, the Demo Day, in which the finalists receive financial prizes and pro-bono prizes from the programme’s partners, including specialised consultancy services and communication campaigns.

The programme is promoted by the Ship2B Foundation and the Banco Sabadell Foundation and is co-promoted by the Juan Entrecanales de Azcárate Foundation. It also has the support of Sabadell SegurosPWCAfter, the ONCE Foundation and the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation as strategic partners, and the Hazloposible FoundationSalto con Red, the Spanish Association of Foundations, and the Catalan Coordinator of Foundations as collaborating institutions.

To learn more about the B-Value programme, watch the video summary of the last edition: