This Wednesday, 20 September, the projects which have been developed during July at Silicon Valley, California by the participants of the seventh edition of Imagine Silicon Valley 2017 have been presented. Three young people who were all awarded scholarships by the Foundation have participated in this year’s edition. These three participants come from the Reina Sofia Music School, University of Oviedo and Fundación Baila.
During the intensive month in which the projects were developed, the 12 young people have worked on four innovative projects relating to internet of pools, intelligent homes and innovation in culture and education.
Our three dreamers: Rocío Fernández from University of Oviedo, Sara Caravaca from Fundación Balia and Alberto Álvarez from the Reina Sofia Music School, have all worked on the ‘DREAM BIG’ project. DREAM BIG is a massive transformational movement which has the aim of empowering young people to use their talents and chase their passions, offering them the tools they need to make their dreams come true. On 30 November 2017 DREAM BIG will be one of the main events at iFest 2017, which will be attended by around 10,000 participants at Palau Sant Jordi.
The rest of the projects are:
-‘ Internet Of Pools’, an experience based on augmented reality through the use of underwater glasses, to enjoy an innovative experience whilst swimming, without being constrained by the usual limits of swimming pools. The aim of this project is to create a dynamic and educational experiences which allow swimming pools to be used in a better way, and for parents to be able to spend more quality time with their children.
-‘Intelligent homes’, a service which offers safe access to your home without you being present. It also offers assistance to third parties who have to carry out jobs in your home when you are not present, such as babysitters, carpenters or parcel delivery services, all of whom will receive the support that require.
-‘Holographic Concerts’, a system which allows live holographic concerts to be performed thanks to Microsoft HoloLens glasses and augmented reality technology, which allows fans to enjoy the experience of being at a live concert from their favourite places, such as local bars with their friends. Furthermore, the fans can communicate with each other as well as with their idols.