On 13th March 2023, the 7th edition of B-Value started with the announcement of the 40 entities that will participate in the first phase of the programme and that are now part of the almost 250 entities that participated in previous editions. B-Value is a social innovation programme aimed at leaders in the third sector who work in non-profit organisations based in Spain, to help them develop their projects with a strategic and innovative vision in mind, and to design new income generation models that enable them to deliver on their value proposition and that differ from traditional philanthropic schemes.
The programme is promoted by the Ship2B Foundation and the Banco Sabadell Foundation and is co-promoted by the Juan Entrecanales de Azcárate Foundation. It also has the support of Sabadell Seguros, PWC, After, ONCE Foundation and Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation as strategic partners, as well as the Hazloposible Foundation, Salto con Red, the Spanish Association of Foundations, Lealtad Foundation and the Catalan Coordinator of Foundations as collaborating institutions.
During this first phase, the 40 participating institutions will receive training on various topics by expert professionals and will take part in workshops and mentorships with 40 volunteers from Banco Sabadell, who will help them develop and strengthen their value proposition. The B-Value programme has now had the involvement of more than 250 mentors from the Bank that participated as volunteers.
In the last edition of B-Value, the entities that took part in this phase of the programme rated the various activities highly, rating the Design Thinking workshop with 8.46, Banco Sabadell’s mentorships with 8.88 and leadership dynamics with 8.46. Furthermore, 87% of the entities that took part in the first phase saw their expectations exceeded, and 92% would recommend the programme.
At the end of May, the 10 finalists will be announced and moved to the second phase of the programme, which consists of the bootcamp, an intensive week of personalised workshops, where they can work on and further develop each proposal, with the support of professionals from partner companies and the Bank’s mentors.
The 40 entities selected for this first phase are:
Asociación 3DLAN para el fomento de un ecosistema tecnológico y social para la diversidad
Asociación de Discapacitados Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles (ADINA)
Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad de la Ribera de Navarra
Asociación Familiares de Alzheimer Valencia
Asociación San Xerome Emiliani
Associació Aliats amb l’Autisme
Camins. Fundació Social Escola Pia
CESAL Educación y Servicios S.L.
Discape Box
Fundació Comunitària de la Vall de Camprodon
Fundació Privada la Salut Alta
Fundación Salvador Soler – Political Watch
Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico
Fundación Tierra de hombres España
Res Non Verba Asociación Civil
The Self-Investigation Stichting
Congratulations, and welcome!