A total of 4 Dreamers will represent the Foundation and the Bank in this journey of innovation in which they will have to work as a team during the journey from Barcelona to London, stopping off at Paris along the way.
How would you summarise your project in a single sentence?
A product to be used at any time, in any place. My project offers a solution to a major issue that exists in online shopping: the time you spend waiting to receive the product. When you buy something online for convenience or because sometimes you don’t know where to go to find what you’re looking for in a shop on the high street, your order can take up to 15 days to arrive. My project, “SWOP-Glocal Shopping”, offers a solution to this problem: you search for a product online, you pay for it online, but you pick it up from a store. The key feature of the app is that it works together with small shops, and you therefore don’t need to go very far to pick up your product.
How did you come up with the idea?
I often experienced this problem, and so did my friends and family… so I decided to transform this problem into an idea. I thought that Imagine Express would allow me to create a real product that would help to finally provide a solution to this problem.
What part of the Imagine Express experience are you most looking forward to?
Leaving the train, not just with an idea, but with a real product that will help people.
Who has been by your side since the very beginning?
My family, especially my mother, and my friends, who have gone with me to events.
Did you think that you would be selected?
I wasn’t sure, particularly when I saw how talented everyone is. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it, seeing how competitive it was. I am very grateful to the Banco Sabadell Foundation for helping my dreams come true.