Avila, Salamanca and Segovia are home to the cycle of concerts as part of the ‘Las Piedras Cantan’ cycle organised by the Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico Foundation on 9th, 13th and 21st July . The objective of this initiative is to combine music and heritage to bring the art created by young people closer to an increasingly broader public. Music will be used to give movement to the space, in such a way that the architecture will come alive, and the musicians will become actors. To do so, three cities which have been declared “heritage of humanity in Castilla and León” have been chosen.
The first concert is being celebrated this Sunday, 9th July at 21.00 at the Catedral de Ávila, by professor Jesús Gonzalo López who will be playing Leandro Garcimartin’s organ which was restored a few years ago. This concert is a unique opportunity to hear it being played.
On 13th July at 21.000 at Casa de la Moneda in Segovia will be home to flamenco music by the guitarist Raúl Olivar, with the aim of bringing the story of the innovative minting press, built upon the insistence of Felipe II, closer to the audience.
Lastly, on July 21st at 21.00 marks the end of the Patio de Escuelas Mayores of the Fachada Rica at the University of Salamanca, with a recital by Duettee jazz, a duo formed of Pablo Ruiz (piano) and the voice of Sheila Blanco.