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Two promising young classical guitar players

The VI edition of the Master’s Degree in Classic Guitar Interpretation at the University of Alicante includes two promising young classical guitar players, who were both awarded scholarships from Banco Sabadell Foundation with the aim of supporting their talent and training.

Eduardo Jiménez Cordón, from Logrroño, aged only 23 is receiving Elementary and Professional training at the Professional Conservatory of Music in La Rioja, and ensures us that “this scholarship from Banco Sabadell Foundation has lit up my life, it has overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness, it has helped me to hear hidden sounds and play the best melodies from within my soul” .

The second scholarship was awarded to Samuel Mateos Gallego, from Cartagena, aged only 25 he completed his studies at the Professional Conservatory of Music in Cartagena, with Honours, and he says he is grateful for this scholarship because “it has given me the opportunity to study a Master’s Degree with the Great Masters of the classic guitar. Learning from world guitar legends in Alicante, an emblematic city for our instrument. Something unique. Support which I will never forget.”