Fundación Balia is imparting the course ‘Connecting Adults-Connecting Young People’, with the aim of breaking the barriers of new technologies. A program in which young people, aged between 14 and 18 will teach basic IT skills to adults, who for various reasons have a greater difficulty in accessing TICs. They will teach these skills through workshops and courses on the use of, for example, smartphones. Banco Sabadell Foundation collaborates with this initiative to strengthen and highlight the importance of technology as a tool for change and integration.
It is a project which is based on the Learning-Service method which reinforces actions that young people can commit to and participate in on a voluntary basis. It is a program which will be developed in different areas in Madrid (Tetúan, Fuencarral, Latina and Carabanchel). Over 2015/2016 305 adults and 99 young people participated in the project. ‘Connecting Adults-Connecting Young People’ is consolidating itself as an intergenerational project whose objective is to reduce the digital gap between the population with the least resources and most difficulties in accessing information, and at the same time, boosting the self esteem of young people and adults.