The project is implemented by Fundación Exit which supports young people via volunteers who provide assessment and training. The first edition has been held in Valencia, which ended with an evaluation that took place on Thursday 19th May at Banco Sabadell’s headquarters.
In this 1st edition 21 young people have participated, coming from institutions such as Banco Sabadell, which has participated with 5 volunteers.
Fundación Exit trains corporate volunteers in coaching and mentoring so that they can accompany the young people during two months in their journey through the company. Corporate volunteers learn techniques which they could use in their day to day activities and they get to know young people from whom they can also learn, and who will oblige them to activate their communication, leadership skills… Starting from their first professional experience the young people will find their vocation and understand the importance of training in order to gain access to the job market.
After participating in the project, 88% of young people have the intention of continuing their studies and 87% have set themselves a target for improvement. Fundación Exit has been carrying out this project for 9 years in Madrid and Barcelona, 3 years in Zaragoza and 2 years in Seville and Palma, having held 49 editions in which 1,602 young people have participated, 1808 corporate volunteers, 87 socially responsible multinational companies and 97 social and educational institutions.