The Banco Sabadell Foundation promotes scientific research with the creation of the Banco Sabadell Foundation Marine Sustainability Award. This award aims to promote the work of Spanish scientists in the fields of marine sustainability, sustainable use of resources and regeneration of natural capital.
The award reinforces the Foundation’s commitment to disclosure, training and research, as well as its support of young talent. It recognises the work of a single researcher who has conducted research into the sustainable use of marine resources, in both traditional marine industries and in new emerging sectors, or in the regeneration of marine natural capital by recovering ecosystems’ goods and services. You can check the T&Cs at the following link: http://fundacionbancosabadell.local/convocatorias/premios/
The panel of judges for the award will be chaired by Professor Isabel Cacho of the University of Barcelona, from the Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics. The members of the panel of judges for the Marine Sustainability Research Award are: Isabel Cacho (University of Barcelona), Rafael Sarda (CEAB-Blanes), Stefano Pogutz (Bocconi University, Milan), Conxita Àvila (University of Barcelona), Ángel Borja (AZTI-Pasaia), Jorge Terrados (IMEDEA-Mallorca), Emma Cebrián (University of Girona), Nuria Montserrat (IBEC-Barcelona), Jose Carlos García-Gómez (University of Seville), José Luis Sánchez Lizaso (University of Alicante), Emilio Fernández Suárez (University of Vigo).
With the Banco Sabadell Foundation Marine Sustainability Award, the Foundation aims to promote scientific knowledge in the sustainable marine industry, reinforcing Spain’s leading role in this field on an international scale.