This weekend you can visit the recently inaugurated exhibition ‘I wanted to be a photographer’ at Foto Colectania. The exhibition, which is co-produced by Banco Sabadell Foundation gathers 100 projects through which it places a special emphasis on questions such as authorship, originality and the materiality of the image as fundamental aspects in photography today.
Another new event, also in Barcelona, is the debut of the young actors and actresses at La Kompanyia Lliure with their debut of ‘In Memoriam. The baby bottle conscription’ at Teatre Lliure in Montjuïc, a play which pays tribute to the young people recruited to fight for the II Republic in the final few months of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
In Madrid a great cultural plan is to visit World Press Photo Madrid, in which you can see the 155 best images which summarise the events that have occurred during 2015. You can visit the exhibition at the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM) until November 1st.

(John J. Kim/Chicago Tribune)
Another very recommendable proposal is the exhibition held in Valencia, at IVAM, ‘Perdidos en la ciudad’ [Lost in the City], an exhibition which displays more than 300 works by different artists to offer different views of cities throughout the world.
Corrientes esquina Uruguay, 1936. Horacio Coppola. IVAM
In Barcelona, we have two more plans for you, at Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona you can visit the exhibition ‘Ramón Llull. La máquina de pensar’ in which the impact of the philosopher on the arts, literature, science and technology is explored. You can also visit the exhibition ‘Un pie fuera. Expediciones y diásporas’ by artist Ana García-Pineda at Fundación Joan Miró which reflects on aspects of belonging and rupture in an artistic context.
Lastly, on Saturday 15 October the last concern of the MusaE cycle ‘Las piedras cantan’ is being held promoted by Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico, led by Caridad Vega and Yeray Cortés at the Monasterio de Abadía Retuerta en Sardón de Duero, in Valladolid. These two young people will explore flamenco music with their programme ‘ConSentidos’: tone, bulerías, fandangos, tangos, tanguillos…