‘-This weekend is the first showing of ‘In memoriam. The baby bottle conscription’, with the actors and actresses of La Kompanyia Lliure. You can watch the play at Teatre Lliure in Montjuïc until 30th June.
-‘La luz negra’ (black light) an exhibition which takes a look at the influence of different secret traditions on contemporary art from the 50’s up until now. You can visit it at the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB) until 21st October.
-‘A contratiempo. Medio siglo de artistas valencianas’, is the recently inaugurated exhibition by Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM) which recreates the journey which female Valencian artists underwent to gain visibility and recognition of their profession, dating from the end of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and the Second Republic, continuing through Francoism, until the eighties. You can visit it at Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM).
-‘Paco Gómez’s Archive. El instante poético y la imagen arquitectónica’, brings together more than 150 images and other materials, such as magazines and publications. Francisco Gómez is considered to be one of the most singular photographers amongst the group of authors which revived Spanish photography during the mid-20th century. You can visit this exhibition until 17 June at Foto Colectania headquarters, Barcelona.
The cycle of exhibitions “The possibility of an island” hosts different emerging artists’ interventions, which explore some of the symbolic and sociocultural meanings of the islands over time. The exhibition which can currently be visited is ‘La Odisea’ by Bárbara Sánchez Barroso, which looks at travelling at a metaphor of a personal search. The artist revives the myth of Odysseus, with the aim of stripping it of all epicness and any heroic components, and compares it to a journey which she herself carries out by sea, with the purpose of rebuilding her own origins. This exhibition can be visited until 17 June.