This weekend, enjoy music by Johann Sebastian Bach at the Bachcelona festival, which offers different formats and spaces to bring Bach’s music closer to all audiences. Today, Friday, at 17:00h, see ‘Kinderbach’ at the Sala Noble of the Edifici del Rellotge; tomorrow Saturday at 17:00h, ‘Domestic Bach’ at the House in the Plaça Reial and at 22:00h, ‘Bachmospheres’ at the courtyard of the Frederic Marès Museum; and on Sunday at 13:00 and 19:00h, ‘FreeBach’ at the Moritz venue, and later at 20:00 and 22:00h ‘Bach is back’ at the Jamboree Jazz Club.
This weekend FIJAZZ, in Alicante, comes to an end, with its final acts today, Friday, by The Stanley Clarke Band and tomorrow, Saturday, ending with the closing act by Gonzalo Rubalcaba.
This Sunday is also the final day of the‘Luz de Roma’ exhibition in Sax (Alicante). In San Sebastian, see the final acts of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ as part of the #Donostia2016 programme by the Capital of Culture.
For music, we recommend seeing pianist Andrey Yaroshinsky next weekend in his concert on Saturday at 21:00 at the Santa María de Aranda del Duero church, as part of the ‘Las piedras cantan’ cycle.
If you want an artistic event, why not visit the ‘Ramon Llull. The Thinking Machine’ exhibition at the Barcelona Centre of Contemporary Culture? It explores the impact of the philospher Ramon Llull on the arts, literature, science and technology. Also, the exhibition ‘Vivian Maier. In Her Own Hands’ is on at the FotoColectania headquarters, showing 79 photos, most of which have never been shown before, from photos that Vivian Maier never developed, showing the streets of New York and Chicago.
In Galicia, visit the ‘Rostros do país’ exhibition at the Cidade da Cultura, showing 70 photographs taken by Xurxo Lobato.