Barcelona will host the 7th edition of ArtsLibris, the International Art Book Fair, until Sunday, in which you will be able to see and learn more about artist’s books, photo books, contemporary bibliophilia and other artistic editing formats. It will take place in the Arts Santa Mònica creativity centre.
Also in this field, we recommend attending one of the workshops at Academia La Central, a course on artisanal editing of illustrated and self-edited books, with Julia Pelletier. The purpose of this workshop is to complete a personal project in illustrated book form, in which the main subject will be image, whether an artist’s book, a book object or a colouring book. The next workshop will take place on Saturday 23rd April from 10:30 to 14:30.
We particularly recommend the photography exhibition ‘Toda Fotografía es un enigma’ (‘Every photograph is an enigma’), by French photographer Michel Frizot. This exhibition includes images from anonymous and unknown photographers, press photographers or photography enthusiasts, and includes photos from a variety of photography periods that caught Michel Frizot’s attention, not only for their visual or documentary aspects, but also for their incomplete nature. Visit this exhibition at the headquarters of the Fundación Foto Colectania.