This Friday, 17th June at 20:30, Museo Patio Herreriano (Monasterio de San Benito) in Valladolid, will host the ‘Cuarteo Golden String Quartet Violines’ concert, included in the cycle of concerts ‘Las piedras cantan’. It is a cycle of concerts supported by Fundación Banco Sabadell, which are aimed at promoting art and heritage through music, developing the careers of young performers and promoting places which hold great historical interest.
This weekend Real Colegiata de San Isidoro will be hosting I Jornadas de Historia del Reino de León, under the theme ‘León, Reino de Libertades’ [León, Kingdom of Freedoms] to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of King Fernando I and the creation of the Cortes in 1188.
On Saturday 18th June, DOCfield, a festival of documentary photography, is offering a guided tour at 12:00 with Natasha Christia of the exhibition ‘El hombre europeo’ [European Man] held at the Palau Robert in Barcelona.