The Banco Sabadell Foundation adheres -together with other foundations- to the #PactoPorElClima promoted by the Asociación Española de Fundaciones with the aim of contributing to the fulfillment of the SDGs and reinforcing its commitment to the climate emergency. The objective of this initiative is to bring together the founding sector of our country to join forces and promote a decisive step of collaboration in the fight for the climate.
The involvement of the foundational and philanthropic sector in the climate agenda is fundamental, for its work in the most vulnerable sectors of society, for its promotion of culture, education, health, employment, or research. Thus, and within the framework of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, last Thursday 21st a first meeting was organized between the signatory foundations to reflect on the role of philanthropy.
The conference welcomed representatives from different #FundacionesPorElClima, such as Inés Oraa from the Fundación Príncipe Alberto II de Mónaco, Isabelle Le Galo from the Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso, and Sonia Mulero from the Banco Sabadell Foundation. In addition, it had the participation of Teresa Solana from the Spanish Office for Climate Change and Pablo Barrenechea from the ECODES foundation.
As Sonia highlighted during her intervention, “The founding sector shares values and strategic interests in the fight for the Climate and this union is the best expression of our social commitment.”