Based on the Biennal Ciutat i Ciència in Barcelona, the Catalonia Bioengineering Institute (IBEC, for its acronymn in Spanish) has hosted the Ada Yonath conference, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009, specifically aimed at young scientists. We attended the event, accompanied by young persons who participated in the Celera programme.
Yonath shared how her findings can help support the development of more efficient anti-bacterial medicines and offer scientists new alternatives in the fight against bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics.
Ada Yonath received the Prize in 2009 for her pioneering work in crystallography to determine the three-dimensional structure and function of ribosomes, which are protein fabrics inside cells. Thanks to her research the specific part of the ribosome which generates proteins within the cells was identified. Yonath is the fourth woman in history, and the first Israeli female, to win the Nobel Prize.