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B-Value Programme Bootcamp Week: synergies, collaboration and mentoring to drive social leadership

Last week saw the start of the long-awaited Bootcamp Week, part of the B-Value programme that drives social sector transformation through innovation, aimed at third sector leaders. During the week-long event, the 10 finalist organisations of this 8th edition of the programme had the opportunity to develop and enhance their value propositions through a series of workshops and intensive training sessions led by sector professionals.

Sonia Mulero, Director of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, welcomed participants on the opening day of the Bootcamp Week, highlighting the value of social innovation and collaboration as engines to drive positive change in society. She also drew attention to the Foundation’s commitment to the programme’s goals and gratefully acknowledged the work of more than forty Banco Sabadell volunteers who supported the organisations with personalised mentoring to help them consolidate their projects. During the second phase of the programme, the organisations will also receive mentoring from Sabadell Seguros professionals.

The bootcamp activities featured a workshop entitled “We are the B-Value community”, led by Mohamed El Amrani, Community Builder at the Banco Sabadell Foundation. In this workshop, participants worked on creating and building a community of people and projects linked to the programme, with the aim of facilitating strategic alliances between organisations who have taken part in both the current edition and previous editions. This collaborative approach seeks to augment the impact of each project through the exchange of experience and resources.


The finalist organisations selected to take part in the second phase of the programme’s 8th edition are:

  • Coloria: Focuses on social transformation through creative projects that promote diversity and inclusion.
  • Celera: Identifies and accelerates young talent with high potential in scientific, technological and entrepreneurial fields.
  • Convives con Espasticidad: Supports people with spasticity, promoting their social integration and improving their quality of life via access to therapies and resources.
  • enriquezArte: Promotes social inclusion through art and culture, creating spaces for artistic expression and development for people at risk of exclusion.
  • Fundación Meridional: Works in the field of international cooperation for development, with projects involving education, health and strengthening local communities.
  • Fundació Tallers Guinardó: Dedicated to the integration of people with disabilities in the labour market, offering workshops and training to improve their employment opportunities.
  • Nexe Fundació: Provides support to children with multiple disabilities and their families, offering specialist educational and therapeutic resources.
  • Mamás en Acción: Supports hospitalised children who have no family or whose families cannot be there for them, offering them affection and emotional support.
  • 55+: Provides support for unemployed people over 55 years of age, offering them guidance, training and tools to aid their reintegration into the labour market.
  • ZAIN – Infancia y Adolescencia: Works for the protection and wellbeing of vulnerable children during early years and adolescence, promoting access to education and basic resources.

The finalist organisations will present their projects on Demo Day, a public event at the end of the year at which the B-Value awards will be presented.

The 8th edition of the programme is promoted by the Banco Sabadell Foundation and Fundación Ship2B and is co-promoted by the Juan Entrecanales de Azcárate Foundation. It also has the support of Sabadell SegurosPWCAfter, the ONCE Foundation and the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation as strategic partners, and the Hazloposible FoundationSalto con Red, the Spanish Association of Foundations, the Lealtad Foundation and the Coordinadora Catalana de Fundaciones as collaborating institutions.