The Contemporánea Foundation is promoting 10×10 Pública Innovación en Cultura, a support platform for the most innovative cultural managers, where professionals from the world of culture can come together for this event which will take place on Thursday January 31st at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. During the event, the creators of 10 projects selected through an open call will have a chance to take part in a programme that includes networking activities and unique opportunities to receive personalised advice from a team of experts in culture.
For another consecutive year, here at the Foundation we are cooperating to hold this event, assessing each of the projects submitted and rewarding three of the ten finalists on the basis of their value, innovation, professionalism and feasibility of the cultural projects in order to help them get up and running.
More about the 10 finalist projects
-‘Cultural management residency in Shanghai’ aims to provide additional opportunities for graduates in Cultural Management to access the international labour market, and to bring attention to the role of cultural managers in China, as this is a role that is largely unknown at present. It is an opportunity for young managers to gain experience and establish a network of contacts internationally.
-‘¿A que parece fácil?’ (‘Doesn’t it look easy?’) is a cycle of five events in which poets, readers and Easy-to-Read adaptation professionals come together at the Museum of Malaga. The idea is to bring poetry closer to those with reading comprehension difficulties and those with intellectual and/or development disabilities.
-‘Danza para el parkinson’ (‘Dance for Parkinsons’) is an innovative approach to artistic work with special needs communities which has obtained the backing of the neurology community. It is a fully artistic project aimed at fostering the social and individual well-being of vulnerable groups such as sufferers of Parkinson’s Disease and other neurological conditions.
-‘Fart’ is a mobile app whose primary aim is to spread awareness of high-quality contemporary artistic practices and bring them closer to interested audiences. FART (Finding Art) seeks to spread the work of young artists, creators and alternative organisations which can be hard to reach due to their lack of visibility. Available to everybody, this digital platform establishes a defined curatorial line in its events and exhibitions, aimed at a young audience tired of scrolling through blogs and social media.
-‘SeAlquila’ began in Madrid in 2012, when it obtained public and privately owned spaces through temporary lease agreements. SeAlquila asserts the possibility of using unused spaces for a variety of cultural purposes. Holding this cultural event gives visibility to its participating creators.
‘FemPop’ is a travelling festival that is committed to gender equality and which takes its sustainable model to all of Catalonia, inviting people to reflect on this subject and on the change of paradigm in the sector. A close and intimate festival in which women are the protagonists. The festival includes 5 concerts in which the protagonists are either women or groups of people led by women in 5 places where you would never expect to find music and where the audience is so close to the artists that they can hear their heartbeats.
-‘Proyecto Barrios (‘Neighbourhoods Project’) is a cultural management project which is the result of a community process achieved through hip hop culture, and which is organised by young people from disadvantaged areas of the Villaverde and Usera districts. The aim of the project is to give an insider’s perspective of what life is like in these neighbourhoods, seen from the eyes of the boys and girls who live there.
-‘Proyecto Mosaicos’ (‘Mosaics Project’) offers five community theatre projects that have worked together to create one graphic novel, three travelling shows, two forum theatres and a mosaic of unexpected links between neighbours which allows a more inclusive society to be created. In 2019 we continue to incorporate new links to create a larger and more intricate mosaic. There will be a children’s story, a ritual play about migration, a forum theatre about gender, a travelling show and a mosaic of theatrical performances which will take place in a number of different places.
-‘La Esgueva’ is a project that focuses on organising free, high-quality cultural activities in public spaces, specifically in a number of locations along the River Esgueva. They are particularly aimed at local residents, but also at people within the general vicinity of Valladolid. They include a wide range of activities, from performing arts (theatre, music, cinema) to other more recreational activities (children’s games and activities for adolescents). There is therefore something for everyone.
-‘La Regadera’ is a cultural programme for children aged 0 to 5 years and their families which aims to generate environments where children can interact and play spontaneous games using experimental objects and spaces. In each session we invite creators and educators to design and produce temporary spaces set up as artistic installations that are there for fun, creating an atmosphere in the space to encourage spontaneous games related to the following concepts: ground, green, water, light and air.